23 November 2008

Deadlines in the horizon

UC applications are due insanely soon (I have about a week ><) and my personal statement isn't getting me into ANYWHERE. I spent the day so far being very unproductive, but at least I'm caught up on bloglovin', haha.

Oh, that sounded so sad...

No outfits lately, just tired. But I will leave this photograph of my amazing teacher's amazing jacket. Absolutely love her style.


  1. The detail on that jacket is so amazing. I really love your style, its so simple and chic :)

  2. What an aawesome jacket!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog! Ive linked you lady!

    RE to your comment/question: Yes, that is just a regular mens shirt! its lovely worn.

  3. I feel sorry for you. Though I´m that kind of person who really love the snow! Some people would call you the lucky one! ;P

    Yes they are :) Found them in my closet and I´m defently going to wear them a whole lot more now!

    I bought the jacket today!! :D Gosh, it´s amazing how much joy you can feel only by shopping. I´m going to try to take a picture of it today, otherwise you will se it tomorrow! :D

  4. love that jacket, that embroidery is intense and i love the colours and mix of fabrics.


  5. I like that !
    Check out my blog !



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