HEY GUYS! I miss blogging, honestly. And I miss reading comments from those lovely people that swing by here regularly. :) I see the views still rack up, but I get no comments! Where's the love? I want to get to know my readers!
Here's an old outfit (from like, a month ago). Nothing special, but I get a "Why are you so dressed up?" every once in a while. Sigh, high school.

AA faux leather hoodie and circle scarf, random velvet tank dress, friend's moccasins.Senior ball!!I actually went to two this year. My date goes to another high school, and we ended up going to each other's proms.
Decided to do it up vintage this year :D Sorry for the shitty photo, but this was the one that showed the dress the best. It was black but has this sheer mesh top layer with glittery outlines of flowers on it. It's really hard to photograph but it's so pretty. Stumbled upon it while thrifting a few years ago, but I've only worn it once!
And don't you feel like you find the best things on accident? Shopping-wise, I mean.

Not shown, but I wore some gold peep-toe pumps from Target. Yay Target!
My prom was a bit more glamorous, I guess. I usually never dress like this, normally OR for dances!

The AMAZING corsage! I went back to the same florist who did my flowers for last year's prom, and you can see why!

Hope your computers aren't dying at trying to load all this.
If you guys were curious, the makeup was done at the local MAC counter at the mall, after reading about Selena (aka flying saucer! <3 her blog) and her experience with getting her makeup done there. The gold/black dress is from Nasty Gal Vintage, isn't it gorgeous? I died when I saw it and just HAD HAD HAD to have it! And the shoes were from Target. Heel height n00b, so obv I took that shit off after dinner and pictures and stuff (4 1/2 inches! I couldn't handle it :( ).
On a more recent note, I've been traveling like crazy the past three days visiting colleges (must be over 1500 miles! Cheeses!) but was so fun. Found some amazing jewelry in the most random places. I'll update you guys on that later!!
I hope you guys have an amazing rest of the week! xoxo